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Virus & Spyware Removal

We will remove all known threats found in your system and help you protect it against future infection.

  • Priority access to Trend Micro home user support specialists

  • Removal of all known threats found in your system

  • Proactive recommendations to help protect your system against future infection

  • Good for one (1) PC only

Customer Prerequisites: a current, valid Trend Micro product licence; Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7; high-speed Internet connection; and minimum 1GB memory required (2GB recommended).

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System Requirements


Sistem Operasi yang didukung:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft® Windows® 11
  • Chrome OS 79 atau lebih tinggi (Chromebook hanya didukung oleh Trend Micro Security di Chrome Web Store)

Persyaratan Perangkat Keras Minimum:

  • 800MHz (disarankan 1GHz)
  • Memori 1GB (Disarankan 2GB)
  • 1,3 GB ruang hard disk yang tersedia (Disarankan 2,5 GB)

Browser Web yang Didukung:

  • Google Chrome ™ - 81/83
  • Mozilla Firefox® - 75/76
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11.0
  • Microsoft Edge (Berikutnya) - 81/83
  • Microsoft Edge (Asli) - Hingga 44

Koneksi internet:

  • Broadband atau koneksi kecepatan tinggi yang setara sangat disarankan.

Resolusi Layar Tampilan:

  • 1024x768 atau lebih tinggi